Friday, March 30, 2007

Unveiling the Mystery of a Woman's Heart

Playing dress-up in mom’s clothes & high heels & make-up, playing with dolls, playing with Barbies, pretending to be a princess, or fair maiden in distress in need of a rescuer, playing “house” … things girls do …

Somehow, when we get “all grown up,” we feel like we have to shove our childish dreams aside. Those dreams that were in our hearts as little girls because now we’re adults. Now we have to clean the house and pay the bills (which of course we DO have to do). But is there something to those big dreams in the little child’s heart?

A woman’s heart is the most important thing about her. Every girl in her heart of hearts longs for 3 things: to be romanced, to play an irreplaceable role in a great adventure, and to unveil beauty. That’s what makes a woman come alive. (From Captivating by John & Stasi Eldredge)

I just started reading Captivating last night and after 2 chapters, had to force myself to put it down so I could get some sleep. But after I put it down, I just laid there with my eyes closed and smiled. I went back to my childhood & thought of all the things I used to dream about as a little girl. Then I slept. And dreamt. And it was lovely. It’s been a long time since I’ve had a nice dream like that.

So, maybe that’s where my other notes came from about physically hard-working men and other thoughts. Jon, remember how you asked me if I thought there was anything wrong with the girl making the “first move”? I don’t know about “wrong,” but I do know for me, I want to be pursued and I don’t want to be the pursuer. I want to be romanced. I love flowers and little notes. Hugs. A random phone call just to say hi. Nothing expensive, just all those little thoughts that make one feel loved and that I’m special. In past relationships, I’ve been the pursuer and the one writing the little notes and random calls to say hi. Well, if there’s a guy out there for me, he’s going to have to prove his love for me. When people love each other, they want to be with one another. I’m too old to play games like, “Does he like me or not?” And I have a son to consider. No more games for me.

I am unashamedly a woman that God created me to be & am embracing whole-heartedly the fact that we as women are the crescendo of Creation! We are God’s finale!

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