Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Mail Order Bride - Everyone Should Read This!!!

In the 1800’s people married for survival. If you were on a wagon train and your husband was killed, if you didn’t marry the first chap that came along who asked for your pretty little hand, you may not survive! What are you going to do when everyone else in the wagon train gets to where they’re going? Now what? The other families can’t afford to house you too. So you find a nice piece of land by a stream. How are you going to build the house alone? A little shack isn’t going to hold up when the first blizzard comes along. Oh, and food and clothes? Where are you going to get the supplies? No one is going to hire a woman. The nearest Wal-mart is down the road a piece … about 150 years. So, yes, your husband dies, and a scruffy looking, but strong man asks you to marry him not even 3 days after your husband’s funeral, you say yes. He has children that need a mother because his wife died while giving birth to her last of 4 children. You marry him on the condition that he takes care of you, and you’re a mother to his children. You cook, clean, take care of the children when they’re sick in the night, do the mending, milk the cows, teach the children … all because you want to survive. He farms or raises cattle and works hard to provide for his family. You sleep in different beds.

But at some point, you start falling in love with that dirty, scruffy, hard-working man with calloused hands. Your motivation changes from duty/survival to love. You start cooking his meals not out of duty, but because you love that man & his children. The children that are his somehow become yours as well. You treat them as your own.

So why don’t we see this anymore? I’ll tell you why: Because our good friend Barbie Doll tells us it’s Survival of the Skinniest. (So good luck getting hitched if you weigh more than 90 pounds, don’t have naturally blonde hair, and wear clothes from Goodwill.) Yes, I know that’s not the only reason. I know our society has changed quite a bit. Now people just live together to “see if it will work out.”

I won’t mention how men have changed. Well, maybe I will. Men USED to WORK for a living. Now what do they do? Sit behind a desk all day. Men used to build their own homes, plant their own food, teach their own children and love their own wife. They used to take care of their families needs before their own. Now, it’s all about what they want. There are grown men that will play video/computer games &/or watch television for hours upon end. Oh, and they call in sick if they have the slightest cold. Try that on the farm someday. “I can’t go out there and plow the field today, Sally. My head hurts!” We women have a tough case on our hands!

What am I going to do about it? What can I do? Unless there’s a kindred spirit MALE out there somewhere, I’m stuck. Are there any survivors out there anymore? Maybe I’ll put out an ad for a mail order bride in every newspaper from here to civilization!

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